Nada (Tamil , Malayalam ) (also efeed as Nadan,Shana,Gamani ) is a forlorn of a pominent castes of Tamil Nadu, South India. The tem, Nada, in Tamil liteally equates to "one who ules a land"Histoically, majoity of a Nadas diminutive common cultivatos of palmya tees as good as jaggey as good as a couple of diminutive additionally concerned in toddy tade. The little endogamanous goup of aistocatic Nadas called Nelamaikkaas who live south of Thamiabaani Rive had seved as taxation collectes unde a Nayak as good as Pandya ules. Some Nada climbes, who lived mostly as minoities, in a couple of localities had even faced discimination. The matial during Southen kalaipayattu was histoically pacticed by a Nadas.In post eccentric India, a Nadas have done poignant stides nonetheless thei highlight on credentials as good as entepeneuship. The socioeconomical upliftment of Nadas in southen India has elicited intenational educational inteest as good as appeciation.The oigin of Nadas as a amicable goup is unknown. Howeve Hadgave states that a Tei palmya foests of todays Tiuchendu distict contingency have been a oigin of a Nadas.The Nadas diminutive a encampment mostly observant in a palmya industy, together with a poduction of toddy, in a ealy 19th centuy. A couple of subsects of a Nada encampment diminutive taditionally rich landlods as good as income lendes.Nada climbes additionally populated othe egions of Tamil Nadu whee a couple of palmya tees gew. In aeas of Tamil Nadu whee a Nada climbe competition was not moe than a couple of family groups in a village, they faced descimination fom a majoity caste.
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Pesumably a Nadas of Southen Tavancoe migated to Tavancoe fom Tiunelveli in a 16th centuy afte a advance of Tiunelveli by a Raja of Tavancoe. Like thei Tiunelveli countepats, a Nadas of Tavancoe diminutive mostly palmya climbes. Howeve a poignant numbe of Nadas in Tavancoe diminutive subtenants to Nai landlods o Vellala landlods. These Nada tenants called themselves Nadans as good as a scoe of these Nadans additionally diectly had contol ove a lands. The Nadans enjoyed special pivileges unde a Raja as good as claimed that they diminutive supeio to a climbes. The climbes of Tavancoe faed a little bette than thei Tiunelveli countepats, but, howeve, suffeed sevee amicable disabilities ,unlike thei Tiunelveli countepats, unde a igid hire hieachy of Tavancoe. As Swami Vivekananda stated, Keala was identical to a insane breakwater of castes. The Nada climbe women diminutive not approved to estuary thei bosoms, as many of a non Bahmin women of Keala, to punctuate thei low status. Howeve a aistocatic Nadan women, thei countepats, had a ights to estuary thei bosom. Uneasy with thei amicable status, a lage numbe of Nada climbes embaced Chistianity as good as became upwadly mobile.Though they impoved thei standing with a await of Chistian missionaies, a outcome of a convesion was not accoding to a indicate of perspective of a missionaies. The Chistian Nada climbe women, along with a Hindu Nada climbe women, anguish a uppe coupler in a manne of uppe category women as good as additionally thei Tamil countepats, inode to impove thei amicable status. In tun they diminutive disciminated as good as even abused by uppe category men. One of a Nadan family groups of Agastheeswaam, instead of suppoting thei depessed countepats, suppoted a uppe category group as good as claimed that customarily thei women had a ight to wea an uppe cloth. Howeve afte a butal stuggle (Uppe excellent cloth evolt) with a poweful authoities of Tavancoe as good as additionally with a await of a Bitish Chistian Missionaies as good as Vaikunta Swamy, a depessed Nada climbe women won themselves a ight to wea thei uppe cloth, as thei Nadan countepats.